A dramedy that takes place entirely within the walls of a grocery store. The story revolves around six individuals, a diverse group of employees and customers, who find themselves unexpectedly trapped due to a severe storm.
A young boy's innocence is slowly deprived by digital overstimulation and the War on Drugs. Surround...
Inspired by true events, a gifted yet rebellious high school student transfers from a prestigious ac...
A self-centered influencer on his way to a gig finds himself babysitting a lost, loud-mouthed, 9-yea...
In this heartwarming ensemble comedy, Mary’s adoptive gay mother’s last dying wish was to reunite th...
A one-of-a-kind legacy project produced by TBA Studios, Habambuhay is a homage to the centennial ann...
Film: American Beginnings of Philippine Cinema is the second episode in Deocampo's evolving saga of ...
Six individuals from different generations recall the golden age of Cebuano cinema, modern Cebuano c...
A BAFTA award nominated fictional drama about young Molly Slade who awakens one morning in a depress...
The film’s love story between a Muslim professor, played by Richa Sharma, and a Hindu student, playe...
Cured in the Excitement is a 1927 Comedy short film.
The incredible story of three promiscuous friends who share more things than they think. Ernest, Job...
Love in a Police Station is a comedy short released in 1927
A doctor from New York travels to a remote plantation in the 1890s to care for a disturbed boy who s...
Fay reconnects with her sister, Alice, as she misremembers the cause of her father's disappearance a...
A boy finds it difficult to live up to his father's reputation at his school.