A short documentary about Father Christmas' annual six-day trek through the Australian desert aboard...
Namib, an incredible spot is home to the highest sand dunes on Earth, along with 3500 species of pla...
Permaculture expert Geoff Lawton describes how he and a team of volunteers grew an oasis in arid, sa...
After traveling the globe to highlight low-tech, Corentin de Chatelperron has set himself a new chal...
An ethnographic film that documents the efforts of four !Kung men (also known as Ju/'hoansi or Bushm...
One of the world’s greatest ancient enigmas, the Nazca lines are a dense network of criss-crossing l...
Secrets and mysteries lose power when they are spread too widely. This is what the villagers discove...
At the border between Navarre and Aragon we find the moors known as the Bardenas Reales, characteriz...
Short documentary on the making of Henry Levin's Genghis Khan, which filmed on location in Yugoslavi...
At once a vast expanse of mesmerizing desolation and the crucible of human history, the Sahara Deser...
A couple of artists travels through the Mexico desert to present their puppet show.
In the Moroccan desert night dilutes forms and silence slides through sand. Dawn starts then to draw...
A tour of the arid, inhospitable region of the southern California desert known as Death Valley, ori...
A sublime documentary on childhood and bereavement that’s one of several shorts the filmmaker comple...
An undercover documentary film produced and directed by British filmmaker Dominic Brown, about the s...
London-based artist and photographer Muzi Quawson examines the lives of people situated at the frin...
Structured as a labyrinth-like game and inspired by Jorge Luis Borges, Aleph is a travelogue of expe...
Beyond the sprawl of the urban jungle, 150 race teams meet to do battle in the heart of the Mojave D...
As a child in Burkina Faso, Yacouba was sent away from home to study the Qur'an, where he and his cl...
The rock pocket mouse is a living example of Darwin's process of natural selection. Evolution is hap...