The experimental animated film Song of the Flies (El Canto de las Moscas), translates the desolation...
During the Occupation, René Carmille, a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique, founded what was to bec...
The first full length film to be shot within the disputed Palestinian West Bank "Green Line," FERTIL...
From May 10, 1940, France is living one of the worst tragedies of it history. In a few weeks, the co...
Train “Kyiv-War“ is a full-length documentary film directed by Korniy Gricyuk. The dramatic history ...
Documentary about war photographer James Nachtwey, considered by many the greatest war photographer ...
In April 1918, a disease of unknown origin swept across the five continents. In 18 months, millions ...
This is a once in a generation event that needs to be examined without the usual spin that is delive...
After Noisey Atlanta, Noisey Jamaica and Noisey Chiraq, comes a documentary hosted and co-directed b...
Angela Su’s fictional artist Rosie Leavers is the last remaining person to upload her consciousness ...
Hasan Hourani, a Palestinian poet and illustrator, died aged 29 in Jaffa while trying to rescue his ...
Scenes from a production of The Diary of Anne Frank are combined with footage of young Palestinians ...
The painful personal stories of five Palestinian kids, ages 7-17, open a window into the world of Pa...
An Israeli film director interviews fellow veterans of the 1982 invasion of Lebanon to reconstruct h...
This highly kinetic tableaux of uprooted sights and sounds works most earnestly to expose the racial...
Documentary on water usage, money, politics, the transformation of nature, and the growth of the Ame...
The Israeli filmmaker Shai Corneli Polak records the building of the 'security wall' through Palesti...
A revealing and moving portrait of lives compromised by war, filmed exclusively by Ukrainian soldier...
Stories about young Ukrainian dancers and their hasty flight to the Netherlands. You see their new l...
On July 1st, 1916, the Newfoundland Regiment took part in a massive First World War offensive on the...