The movie tells the story of the people who live along Yaque del Norte, the longest and most importa...
Portrays the adventure of the first Dominican expedition to reach the top of Mount Everest in Nepal....
Lucas is a 19 years old deaf animator who explores life through his sketchbook. He encounters a han...
"Washington Heights" tells the story of Carlos Ramirez, a young illustrator burning to escape the La...
In a world where about 8 in 10 people posses some kind of super power, Reineldis De La Cruz is a hig...
After six years, Antonio and Laura face a crisis in their relationship.
Two scheming friends are brought over to face a paternity problem related to an inheritance but neit...
After the assassination of a resident of an old condo, an extensive investigation holds a group of s...
The career of Dominican Merengue Típico singer Fefita La Grande.
A group of professionals attend a job interview for a very lucrative position within one of the larg...
After the death of his mother, Raúl is forced to look for his father to solve a legal problem with a...
Follows the choices made by three young women - one a drug dealer, one an addict, one a pregnant tee...
Sunshine and America reminisce over a relationship that goes back "like skellys".
Cristina, Belisario, and Benito become guardians of justice to combat neighborhood crime. Eventually...
Two stages of a Dominican-American's life; first as a boy trying to bond with his young mother, then...
In Avispatropolis, the fearless Captain Avispa emerges as an exemplary protector of the city, whose ...