A journey into the world of artificial intelligence, to understand its operating logic and current a...
The story of Dwight Core, Jr. and his family, following up the events of the home documentary "Think...
The love story of pop icon Jennifer Lopez and movie star Ben Affleck began with a movie set meeting ...
Christine attends her first and last prom accompanied by Martin Fredericksen
A short documentary on the River Ouse, following it downstream from Lewes to Newhaven, meditating on...
SYNCHRONOUS is an intimate portrait of love and the reverse side of love: mourning. The granddaughte...
Annedore takes care of orphan birds. They give her that which humans througout her turbulent life co...
On the outside, it looks like any ordinary seniors' facility. But on the inside, a series of remarka...
Examines the intergenerational impact of addiction by chronicling the love, labor, loss, and uncerta...
Nesrin and Erdem talk about their relationship, which they don’t remember in exactly the same way. Ç...
Professor Jim Al-Khalili looks at how we have created machines that can simulate, augment, and even ...
An inspiring love story about a self-described “poor, gay, black man from North Philly” on his histo...
The filmmaker Jeppe Rønde has invited 10 of the world's foremost researchers - and a robot! - to ret...
John Banvard and Jerry Nadeau are military veterans who served in World War II and Vietnam, respecti...
In China, it is hard for a divorced or widowed woman to find a good new husband, especially for thos...
This documentary retraces the life of Jacques Maritain (1882 - 1973), French Christian philosopher. ...
Within the coming decades we will be able to create AIs with greater than human intelligence, bio-en...
”I haven’t been in love with any of the men I have been with. I don’t know what love is.” A 66-year-...