This pioneering documentary film depicts the lives of the indigenous Inuit people of Canada's northe...
A documentary essay on coming of age and the power of the unconscious. In the same vein as Sweatlodg...
An intimate and thrilling portrait of a young Siksika woman and the deep bonds between her father an...
The third and final part of a trilogy based on Arctic creation myths. The film is a multifaceted tis...
The Acadian Forest once spanned across the entirety of modern day New Brunswick and beyond and has b...
After the Ballot is a full-length documentary portraying the gruelling everyday life of two Members ...
In less than 150 years, 97.3% of British Columbia's old growth forests have been logged. These ancie...
For more than 100 years, thousands of Indigenous children died while in Canada’s residential school ...
"A short documentary amplifying what I witnessed this past long weekend. I hope this film helps spre...
A film initially was released alongside an injunction granted from the BC court to Teal Jones, enabl...
The ancient forests of the Pacific Northwest are home to giant trees and many secrets, which science...
This feature-length documentary by Alanis Obomsawin examines the plight of Native people who come to...
"Mother Tongue" chronicles the first time a documentary film about Guatemalan genocide in Guatemala ...
Conservation groups, First Nations, and scientists come together in this timely short film, as a dec...
Mainland reporter hears about protest on Vancouver Island and decides to visit and see it for himsel...