“Tucaneira: Wooden Hands” is a captivating mini-documentary that takes us on a fascinating journey through the world of a skilled artisan who works with wood at an eco-solidarity fair held in a university environment. In this brief and inspiring portrait, we explore the life and craft of Manoel, a master craftsman whose hands transform tree trunks into true works of art. Through beautiful images, testimonials and captivating photographs, the documentary reveals Manoel's passion for his art. He shares his inspirations and motivations, highlighting how his work is deeply rooted in sustainability and respect for nature. “Tucaneira: Wooden Hands” is a mini-documentary that not only celebrates the talent and dedication of an exceptional artisan, but also reminds us of the importance of supporting initiatives and fairs that promote eco-solidarity, art and sustainability in a vibrant and inspiring university .
What’s it like to dedicate your life to work that won’t be completed in your lifetime? Fifteen years...
An educational film about the life cycles of various types of pond life.
It took his whole life to live and three full years to film Chuck Leavell: The Tree Man. Filmed in...
Biosludged reveals how the EPA is committing science fraud to allow the ongoing poisoning of our wor...
Kellou, in her forties, lives in Bol, the capital of Sahel’s province. She’s a fisher, profession tr...
Takes us to locations all around the US and shows us the heavy toll that modern technology is having...
Death threats, court battles, and an iconic endangered species in middle, The Trouble With Wolves ta...
Fifteen years after giving up his studies as a botanist, the filmmaker decides to visit his old prof...
After traveling the globe to highlight low-tech, Corentin de Chatelperron has set himself a new chal...
For 100 years, we have waged war on wildfire in the United States, and ironically, have created a mo...
At the border between Navarre and Aragon we find the moors known as the Bardenas Reales, characteriz...
A documentary on Al Gore's campaign to make the issue of global warming a recognized problem worldwi...
This short film follows an intoxicated character's journey through the mystery, beauty and eeriness ...
For her entire professional life, renowned ecologist Nalini Nadkarni pioneered climbing techniques t...