A documentary that follows the journey of a young man named Kristian, who suffers from anxiety and a...
Five hundred years after his birth, the life and career of the Italian Renaissance's last great pain...
"Too much Picasso kills Picasso?" In France as in a lot of other parts of the world Pablo Picasso's ...
The film explores the role of photography, since its rudimentary beginnings in the 1840s, in shaping...
Documentary about the painters Augustus John and James Dickson Innes who, in 1911, left London for t...
At the Vienna Art Academy in 1994, an unidentified person painted over 27 works by Austrian painter ...
Follows the behind-the-scenes work of Studio Ghibli, focusing on the notable figures Hayao Miyazaki,...
Ernie & Joe follows two officers with the San Antonio Police Department mental health unit who are d...
In 2003, eight Rhode Islanders created a secret apartment inside a busy mall and lived there for fou...
This documentary follows the lives of several extraordinary people who have been diagnosed with soci...
Milah van Zuilen, visual artist and forest ecologist in training, uses the square to deal with the h...
What is artistic inspiration? Is it the same for all of us? 'in·spi·ra·tion' follows three Isle of M...
An intimate journey through the formative years of David Lynch's life. From his idyllic upbringing i...
Chasing The Lion is the story of Lionel Sanders' ascent from drug abuse and mental illness to one of...
African Underground: Democracy in Dakar is a groundbreaking documentary film about hip-hop youth and...
A blend of drama and documentary, this film follows several people caught up in the turmoil of the m...