Full Circle is an animated short film that presents the Moon and Earth’s relationship through a narr...
An ambitious young boy is eager to grow up so he can experience the world outside of his kelong in t...
The film explores girlhood, the positives, the negatives and how that binds us together as women. A ...
After her best friend leaves to Lunar University, Geo has to deal with his absence on Earth when car...
The puppet film Mashkin Killed Koshkin, based on the short story of the same name by Daniil Kharms, ...
A short film narrated by the drag queen Paloma, in interview with the filmmaker.
"LIMINAL" is an animated student short film where we follow a little creature trying to find an end ...
Out of cigarettes, a man goes to unconventional lengths to get his nicotine fix.
After her mother's death, Kim finds solace in wearing her mother's old sweater. However, the sweater...
Short story about a curious girl, who is in the zoo with her mom. What plan will a friendly girl dev...
Using a unique format of episodes and advertisements: GUNKWORLD is a short film about a horror cult...
In a robotic society moved by the consumption of colorful mechanic members, an insecure gray robot f...
What does it take to turn the downward spiral of substance abuse upside down? A simple animated docu...
The caretaker exhausted by everything, his frustrated wife and one totally depressed deer. Their mut...
Dark comedy about something we all do - we hate other people for trivial reasons. Life is hard even ...