This film narrates the story of a community on the coast of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta, e...
A documentary on Al Gore's campaign to make the issue of global warming a recognized problem worldwi...
Greta Thunberg, a 15-year-old student in Sweden, started a school strike for the climate as her ques...
The analogy likens plastic pollution to a person wearing a plastic bag on their head, illustrating h...
The movie is a biopic about Mia Martini, an italian singer who died in 1995.
The birth of the radical environmental movement is captured in this short, poetic film on the legend...
They're the real 'goodfellas': 'Joe Dogs' Iannuzzi, Tommy DelGiorno, 'Big Dom' Lofaro. For the first...
Explorers and amateur directors Mariana Ianovska and Viktor Posnov embark on a 40 day long trip acro...
In recent years, the Marga Marga Province has witnessed a drastic change in the visual and sound lan...
A look at the state of the global environment including visionary and practical solutions for restor...
In this immersive documentary, Winston Stairs invites the audience on a soul-soothing expedition int...
MIEZI KUMI (TEN MONTHS) is a short documentary of the love between Zacharia Mutai, his family and th...
A documentary that introduces FIT Hives, a student-run organization whose mission is to educate the ...
This 1991 Academy Award®-winning documentary uncovers the disastrous health and environmental side e...
ATUEL is the story of a community and its river; of a river and its community. Everyone in the provi...