The personal stories lived by the Uncle, the Father and the Son, respectively, form a tragic experie...
An exploration of the individual components that make up a jazz improvisation, told in 13 parts.
After being diagnosed with Alzheimer's, Lino Santos Gomes, the grandfather of director Barbara Marqu...
Jonathan, the doc's director, standing in front of a mirror recalls an event from his childhood, ref...
A viral video shows a mysterious figure walking along the edge of the woods each day, and filmmaker ...
On a Summer afternoon, Pedro packs the last few boxes before having to leave his apartment in New Yo...
A documentary featuring internationally renowned photographer Toni Hafkenscheid as he explores hidde...
Fall in love with our Avon and the people fighting to protect it, the Bristol way! Rave On For The A...
A rare close-up of the Abakuá —an Afro-Cuban religious brotherhood that has been hidden from outside...
A reflection about memory, the digital world and the files that we generate daily through the audiov...
The six-decade transformation of a block of houses, shown by means of artfully featured archival sho...
In April 2013, a lecturer at the University of New Hampshire submitted a paper to the Annals of Math...
Fordlandia Malaise is a film about the memory and the present of Fordlandia, the company town founde...
In 1952, Amédée took his own life by jumping into the Seine. No one knows the reason for this tragic...
In Le Livre d’Image, Jean-Luc Godard recycles existing images (films, documentaries, paintings, tele...
About to turn 100 years old, Santo Amaro School closed its doors in 2020, amid the pandemic, leaving...