This short film profiles the benevolent Mike Sullivan, who has been in the process of shooting a sto...
An intimate documentary charting the production of Jackie, from ideation through execution.
2020, in global confinement in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, in CDMX women decide to give birth...
I Am JFK Jr. - A Tribute to a Good Man is an homage to America's fallen prince and the Kennedy legac...
From practicing barefoot on the streets of Lagos to performing on stage in England, twelve year old ...
Millions of years scroll by in 10 minutes, illustrated by ingenious designers: this is the geologica...
Ricardo is an actor, driver, teacher, painter and a dancer at Sensible Soccers' shows. One day he fo...
This film is dedicated to Maria Lai, an artist born in 1919 in Ulassai, Sardinia. Surrounded and ins...
Emerging from the Detroit music scene of the 1970s in a flurry of long hair and sequins, Alice Coope...
Documentary containing interviews with performers discussing the influence that Michael Jackson had ...
Norma Kpaima's contribution to indigenous education is unique and urgent for neglected communities.
We are Nivi Savi, rain people, Mixtecos; a people that disperses like the clouds and every year retu...
The work of taxonomists hides more secrets than can be perceived.
A documentary that follows the journey of a young man named Kristian, who suffers from anxiety and a...
The exiled Austro-German musician and composer Artur Schnabel was a giant of his time, but in German...
Some folks squirm at mention of a woman’s period…not Arunachalam Muruganantham. Considered a madman ...
Jean Sénac, born in Béni Saf in Algeria in 1926 and died in Algiers in 1973, is today considered one...
A documentary that portrays not only the poet and painter Mario Cesariny but as well his life, his j...