As darkness falls on an outcast city, submerged in bright lights and loud noise, all surrounding and...
Detective Decade Lieutenant and his partner, Officer Hughie Crusade IV, race against the clock to un...
Shot on 16mm film in New York and composed in Berlin, the work explores polarizing themes of the met...
Succeeding in entering the past, a young man meets his favorite actress whom he adulates with passio...
A short film about a US business man who came to Africa, Namibia, to finalize a very important busin...
One year after a disastrous graduation party, Oscar is invited to estranged friend Chris's home to c...
How would a found footage film look if the footage was never found? This conceptual art experiment q...
A cineastic meeting of two characters who are directly related to each other: Camera (Cinematographe...
one-minute video made by students of the UNA Artes Audiovisuales
Sienna struggles with dreams of an unknown and scary place after receiving a dress that belonged to ...
Three graduate students work tirelessly to solve their professor's final equation, before they meet ...
Amanda's stoner slumber party is put to a halt when one of her guests is nowhere to be found.
A man grapples with his anxiety, attempting to calm him self in the shadow of his idols. As the idea...