Created by Sampo Vallotton & Laurent De Martin, this unexpected short movie is a visual manifesto of their first winter with the new Simply. tools. This movie came together organically as they were surrounded by talented filmmakers and photographers whom they can proudly call friends.
Plehouse Films Save DVD – With the threat of global warming not only effecting the entirety of the p...
The Best of Mont Tremblant Quebec: Nestled high in Quebec's Laurentian Mountains, historic Mont Trem...
As a winter storm approaches the shallow water crystallizes, ice builds up along the edges of a stre...
Though initially developed as a form of survival transport in colder alpine and tundra environments,...
A short film shot on Super 8 which captures the last days of winter.
Every year, thousands of Antarctica's emperor penguins make an astonishing journey to breed their yo...
Chronicles the life of Picabo Street, the alpine skiing icon of the 1990s, from her unorthodox child...
Filmmaker Giles Walker takes an informal look at how our best skiers work and live. Filmed in 1976, ...
A silent succession of black-and-white photographs of the city of Montreal.
Professional snowboarder and mountaineer Jeremy Jones has an intimate relationship with the outdoors...
When two former top orienteers end up in a snowstorm in Lapland wilderness, they face an impossible ...
With the tank truck of the company British Petroleum (BP), the Bozzetto fuel delivery man crosses mo...
Voleurz' eighth feature-length film showcases the antics and exploits of the Voleurz family, and fea...
A documentary of an expedition to Churchill, Manitoba to film the Northern Lights.
Magic in the Mountains tells the remarkable underdog story of how Squaw Valley, a little-known ski a...
A deceptively simple set-up: the director and his father watch a 1988 football match which the fathe...
A small, elite fraternity of high-altitude skiers climb the highest peaks in the world in pure Alpin...
In the beginning the idea was to make something from nothing, in a neutral and unknown place. Collec...