Starting in 1970s Hokkaido, the film charts the moral descent of Detective Moroboshi over three deca...
At the demise of empire, City of London financial interests created a web of offshore secrecy jurisd...
30 years after the fall of the Romanian dictator Ceausescu in 1989, we get a reconstruction of one o...
What if science could reverse the aging process? Follow the researchers as they decipher these mecha...
"My Socialist Home" is a documentary film exploring the significance of gender in the constitution o...
An exploration —manipulated and staged— of life in Las Hurdes, in the province of Cáceres, in Extrem...
Rita, a 13 year old girl, runs away from her abusive father to the big city. She finds solace until ...
A short city symphony evocation of present day Mexico City five hundred years after the invasion of ...
Newly employed in an emergency shelter for people experiencing homelessness, Geneviève is shaken to ...
Documentary about the life and career of Karl-Eduard von Schnitzler, presenter and creator of the in...
The film talks about the rise and fall of the two most influential protagonists in GDR-politics. In ...
Markus Becker is hit by a car, dragged along, his head bashed on a curb and he falls into a coma. Th...
A look-back at popular French movie "La Boum" (The Party).
To celebrate the release of a new movie for their 20th anniversary, this documentary offers some beh...
After the anti-corruption protests, Arvind Kejriwal along with his team members forms a new politica...
The AfD, founded in 2013, is a right-wing party that has become increasingly radicalized in recent y...
Raising Bertie is a longitudinal documentary feature following three young African American boys ove...
On the eve of the publication of a biography of Claude Jutra, one of the most famous and celebrated ...