This documentary follows a community action group led by American community organizer and writer Saul Alinsky in Rochester, New York. Together, they confront the community's largest employer on the issue of corporate responsibility and the employment of minority groups.
Shot over three years, Pariah Dog paints a kaleidoscopic picture of the city of Kolkata, seen throug...
Since the late 18th century American legal decision that the business corporation organizational mod...
Portrait of Augustinas Baltrušaitis, film and theatre director, as well as actor, who fell into obsc...
Community First! Village is designed to lift the chronically homeless off the streets of the Austin,...
Mr Surgeoner takes the viewer on an enthralling journey through the SQA Higher History course.
By observing the technological developments of artificial intelligence in several countries, this fi...
The Danube Delta in Romania - the 'Last European Sanctuary’ - is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. While...
Using original animation, archival footage and personal interviews, this full-length documentary por...
This feature-length documentary by Alanis Obomsawin examines the plight of Native people who come to...
The Living Room of the Nation is a documentary film that portrays a number of Finnish living rooms. ...
The social contract: the rules we follow - and some don’t. Breaking Social uncovers the pattern of c...
Candace Parker takes a personal look at the past, present and future of Title IX and the drive for e...
Since World War II North Americans have invested much of their newfound wealth in suburbia. It has p...
What if you got the chance to build a new society from scratch, what would it look like? Located mor...
Author and cook David Groß travels through five European countries and cooks exclusively what others...
Cut off from his loved ones due to the strict COVID-19 lockdown at the long-term care facility where...
"Africa Light" - as white local citizens call Namibia. The name suggests romance, the beauty of natu...
In a darkened classroom, the white cracked walls serve as a movie screen. We are in a remote mountai...