This is an educational anime short produced to be shown in schools and designed to prevent child abduction. It follows a young girl named Yumi who dreams about a video game she is playing which teaches her what to do if a strange man tries to force her into a car.
A daughter is constantly overshadowed by her famous father, but she is determined to make her own ma...
A member of an elite paramilitary counter-terrorism unit becomes traumatized after witnessing the su...
Students from five different countries arrive in Maruko's town. Maruko and her classmates can barely...
The story focuses on the 16-year-old Protagonist after he is transferred to Shujin High School in To...
Kaoru is a 17-year-old boy with an SM fetish, secretly dreaming of an SM relationship with his child...
Somewhere on the internet is a land where communities pretend to live out a survivalist fiction. The...
One month after Kayaba Akihiko's game of death began, the death toll continues to rise, two thousand...
Increasingly disturbed by the dark energies building within him, Ryu is confronted by Shun, a boy cl...
An elite superhuman agent must stop a foreign military unit from seizing control of an ancient artif...
When Scooby and the gang get trapped in a video game created for the gang, they must fight against t...
Jubei is a masterless ninja who travels the land alone, lending his services to those with gold—or a...
A short film about a mother trying to deal with her videogame addicted son.
Afro Samurai avenged his father and found a life of peace. But the legendary master is forced back i...
Luca follows in his father's footsteps to rescue his mother from evil Ladja. Finding the heavenly he...
When a machine that allows therapists to enter their patient's dreams is stolen, all hell breaks loo...
Class 1-A visits Nabu Island where they finally get to do some real hero work. The place is so peace...
Aki isn’t a brave little boy, but he’s dedicated nonetheless to safeguarding his sickly, mute friend...
Yuu and Saya are two of the top Cosmic Hunters in the galaxy, and Yuu is enjoying a bit of fame afte...
A shy high schooler in Kyoto meets a man claiming to be his future self, who tells him he’s hacked i...
It's Rocky meets the Mikado when Larry the Cucumber stars as The Italian Scallion in this newest Veg...