The experimental animated film Song of the Flies (El Canto de las Moscas), translates the desolation...
During the Occupation, René Carmille, a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique, founded what was to bec...
The Happy Child is a story of "New Wave" rock genre predominant in the ex-Yugoslavia during the soci...
From May 10, 1940, France is living one of the worst tragedies of it history. In a few weeks, the co...
Train “Kyiv-War“ is a full-length documentary film directed by Korniy Gricyuk. The dramatic history ...
In April 1918, a disease of unknown origin swept across the five continents. In 18 months, millions ...
This is a once in a generation event that needs to be examined without the usual spin that is delive...
Angela Su’s fictional artist Rosie Leavers is the last remaining person to upload her consciousness ...
A documentary-narrative film which looks at real events and personal phenomena of artist Zarko Lause...
A revealing and moving portrait of lives compromised by war, filmed exclusively by Ukrainian soldier...
In the Kosovo War, human dignity was shattered by the terrors of the Serbian government and the Alba...
Stories about young Ukrainian dancers and their hasty flight to the Netherlands. You see their new l...
On July 1st, 1916, the Newfoundland Regiment took part in a massive First World War offensive on the...
An archival road trip with Stevan Labudović, cameraman to Yugoslav President Tito and cinematic eye ...
Parents try to understand why their children traveled from Britain to join the Kurdish army in their...
A documentary, using dramatization of fact, that examines the Battle of Verrières Ridge, where on Ju...
Alyona, Alika and Katya dream of love and friendship, but most of all of leaving Putin’s Russia. Whe...
True stories of the Croatian People's struggle to overcome oppression from communist Yugoslavia and ...
A documentary film-project by Dmytro Komarov. He was the first journalist to witness and film the h...