Exploration of the ordinary lives led by women of different classes—a college professor, an unmarried woman, and a seasoned drama artist. They unveil the societal intricacies woven into their social backgrounds, with typical evening talks besides them. Gripping tales of yore immersed in the metaphorical embrace of their surroundings, their familial shelters are emblematic of resilience and protection, where profound truths lie hidden within the depths of the commonplace.
Reveals a revolutionary chapter in Australian history, the Women’s Liberation Movement (1965 -1975)....
An exploration —manipulated and staged— of life in Las Hurdes, in the province of Cáceres, in Extrem...
At a critical moment in the history of the written word, as humanity’s archives migrate to the cloud...
Commissioned to make a propaganda film about the 1936 Olympic Games in Germany, director Leni Riefen...
Commissioned to make a propaganda film about the 1936 Olympic Games in Germany, director Leni Riefen...
Clarissa Dickson Wright tracks down Britain's oldest known cookbook, The Forme of Cury. This 700-yea...
Delving into the existence of Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, considered one of the most mysteriou...
An investigative film, an "investigative itinerary" from 1960 to 1975, in the story of Pasolini aliv...
In their own words, this is the story of six women from the South Wales valleys and how they helped ...
Based upon a habitual fidget of the filmmaker involving the tags in his clothing, Reilly Mitchell ex...
The story of Russian writer and Soviet dissident Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008) and his masterpi...
To many African Americans, soul food is sacrament, ritual, and a key expression of cultural identity...
Deep sea: 1000m below the surface no light, immense pressure and icy temperatures. The deep sea enco...
The members of Efek Rumah Kaca have become some kind of employees; when performing schedule, which w...
In the 1980s, Michelangelo Antonioni traveled with his partner, actress and filmmaker Enrica Fico An...
This 1991 Academy Award®-winning documentary uncovers the disastrous health and environmental side e...