Released in 2013 by Devon Hendryx (now known as JPEGMAFIA), The Ghost~Pop Tape is a visual collage scored by his album of the same name that weaves together animation sequences, video diaries, hardcore pornography, and other found footage into a tapestry reflective of a psyche deeply embedded in the depths of personal depression and intense desires.
When reserved and lonely teenager Fenix meets popular high school girl Scarlett, the two form a bond...
'Tales of Us' the film, is a thirty minute journey through five individual stories, each one based o...
Wildest Dreams is a sonic adventure into the mind and heart of Nadine’s artistry. Drawing from perso...
The film for the album, ‘Enchantment’, by musician Good Grim. A series of 10 pieces made by five fi...
A visual album. A story of falling apart and putting yourself back together again as the world does ...
A visual album by American singer Frank Ocean serenades the construction of a spiraling “staircase t...
Musician Oliver Sim is the main guest of a talk-show that soon slides into a surreal journey of love...
Benjamin Lasky, better known by his stage name Quadeca, presents a full self-produced visual experie...
Featuring a stellar cast and a breathtaking score, "VOLCANO" ignites the screen with its explosive p...
A data moshed experiment using videos of daily life and textures overlayed with components from olde...
In this anime visual album, a mysterious driver heads deep into a postapocalyptic hellscape toward a...
Cry Baby, a strong and sensitive girl, is sent off to a disturbing sleepaway school that’s hidden un...
moony and Joey Brodnax present WARNING HIGH CUBE - a film accompanying the release of moony’s debut ...
Coldplay are inviting fans to a special, global theatrical experience, where they will be among the...
In this graduation film and modern interpretation of the famous epic, Odysseus relates how he, after...
Multi-platinum band Shinedown invites viewers into the world of ATTENTION ATTENTION in their new fil...
Set on a night out, UK rock band Wolf Alice decided to bring the music of their album Blue Weekend t...