The Domino Revival, a gripping film that follows Mike Signorelli and a group of revivalists during a crucial time in history. As society's hunger for spiritual significance grows, witness the extraordinary power of Jesus Christ through Gospel preaching, verified miracles, overcoming despair, and deliverance from demons.
Bob Larson interviews various metal bands and talks about their satanic influence on the youth. Feat...
This program explains some of the reasons why people are drawn to the Satanic way of life and reveal...
How the Islamic State has created a powerful propaganda factory that manipulates and twists at its c...
Thanks to an embarrassing stand-up routine promoting Christian intelligent design, Ray Comfort was d...
A fascinating new look at the biblical, historical, and scientific evidence for Creation and the Flo...
American Christian missionary John Chau was murdered when he tried to illegally contact and convert ...
"No film may throw ridicule on any religious faith..." So began Article VIII of the Hollywood Produc...
The dawn of the 21st Century has found much of modern society obsessed with occult mysteries, sadist...
Are there dinosaurs living on earth today? In this video Lead Pastor of CSE Dr. Kent Hovind talks ab...
A rare clip from 1994 warning of the dangers that lurk in America: homosexuals and Satanists.
Remembering the contribution of ancient Jewish values to Western civilization, Voices of the Silence...
Evangelist hack Ray Comfort addresses seven questions, reasoning with college students and people on...
Chris Worthington sets out to document what the future of evangelism looks like. He invites you to g...
Chris Worthington set out to document what eternal life truly is according to the words of Jesus Chr...
For years, scholars have debated whether the miraculous events proclaiming the birth and death of Je...
Documentary tracking the exploits of aging Calvinist preacher Fred Phelps, a convicted felon who lea...
The powerful story of a couple who's hopes of having a child went from infertility, to a miracle, to...
Based on real near-death experiences, the afterlife is explored with the guidance of New York Times ...
Dabbling in the occult is widespread and often thought of as harmless entertainment. But this video ...
Join Ray Comfort as he takes a team from David Wilkerson's church and open air preaches in Washingto...