Based on newly declassified files, the film explores the US government’s surveillance and harassment...
Petra Epperlein and Michael Tucker take a powerfully personal journey through the former East German...
Do any areas of our lives escape surveillance any more? Citizens of the 21st Century are the focus o...
Kieslowski’s later film Dworzec (Station, 1980) portrays the atmosphere at Central Station in Warsaw...
In the century when we invented aviation, when we invented cinema, in an age when we can move more a...
Richard Doty is a former Air Force Intelligence operative whose job at Kirtland AFB in New Mexico in...
This short 19-minute documentary is an intimate and moving exploration of the profound and far-reach...
David Bond lives in one of the most intrusive surveillance states in the world. He decides to find o...
A Feature Documentary, featuring David Icke The 'mad man' who has been proved right again and again ...
Behind his polite exterior lies a formidable leader with a ruthless character, ready to do anything ...
New York-based tech company Clearview AI is working to identify and compile the faces of every human...
Jenni has an ordinary life of simple patterns revolving around family and work. Her daily routine is...
Few aircraft have attracted more attention than the ominous black supersonic jet that for years has ...
THE MAZE dissects the terror-attacks since Paris Bataclan in November 2015 and looks for common patt...
NOTHING TO HIDE is an independent documentary dealing with surveillance and its acceptance by the ge...
By exploring the relationship between the watched and the watching, our film uncovers the trauma and...
Documentary and reflection about the effects of technology.
In this Pete Smith Specialty short, we see how real-life investigator Jo Goggin used a motion pictur...