Directed by Ariane Louis-Seize, this tribute film was created as a gift for Lorraine Pintal, directo...
Chez Schwartz takes us inside a year in the life of Schwartz's Deli - the unique 75-year-old landmar...
A silent succession of black-and-white photographs of the city of Montreal.
This short documentary shows the reactions of European immigrants as they land in Halifax at the beg...
BREAKING POINT brings viewers back to those tense, critical moments when Canada's future as a countr...
The Street is a gritty portrait of 3 homeless men living on the streets near Guy metro in Montreal. ...
In an era of political repression and growing social conservatism in Turkey, the Istanbul drag scene...
This short film is a series of vignettes of life in Saint-Henri, a Montreal working-class district, ...
Today it is the city of Montreal, but 3 centuries ago the tiny band of missionary founders called it...
Traces the lives of the Hartings, a blind Montreal family of three who make their living singing in ...
This feature documentary is a fascinating and spirited portrait of the life and times of the legenda...
When Werner Herzog was still a child, his father was beaten to death before his eyes. His mother was...
This short film served as an invitation to the World's Fair that was held in Montreal in 1967. It wa...
Prohibited, abandoned, and unexplored sites are hidden and sealed in Montreal. Entering defies the l...
Does privacy still exist in 2019? In less than a generation, the internet has become a mass surveill...
This documentary let us to relive the challenge of the men behind the 1967 Universal Exposition in M...