After a feverish dream, a paralysed dreamer finds themselves trapped within a purgatory of their sle...
"Lysreisen" is an experimental art film, a visual ode to tunnel lights. Its ethereal beauty and abst...
Andrew, a teacher, is attacked while leaving work in a failed mugging which results in him becoming ...
A women takes a journey that questions the boundaries of reality and what is an illusion.
Visual haiku dealing with still and living life, ghosts and revealing light.
A fever dream of the faces of love. Six circles of love. A kind of death and rebirth experienced w...
A boobs flasher tells us, a boobs flasher lets us see.
HE, the third work in the ongoing collaboration between Rouzbeh Rashidi and actor James Devereaux, i...
A photographer girl enters a street to take street photographs as usual and takes a few photos that ...
in my darkest moment, fetal and weeping, the moon tells me a secret, a confidant As full and bright...
Jay and Matt move everything out of "Stu's" garage. A road trip of memory ensues.
An intimate stream of memories reaching out across time and space, taking on a uniquely experimental...
The journey of a spanish tourist, enchanted with the sights and sounds of London.
A camera crew travels through Thailand asking villagers to invent the next chapter of an ever-growin...
When he returns to his hometown, everything has changed to an unknown place. And, in the silence of ...
A man (James Devereaux) sits on a park bench talking to the camera, trying to weave together a thoug...
A 16mm experimental short film loosely following a cormorant as it attempts to dry its wings.