The film adaptation of Kazuo Kikuta novel "Kumo no Ue Dangoro Ichiza", which enjoyed great success a...
In a dark, velvety theatre, there is a first kiss between Pietro and Tommaso. When the lights come b...
Dr Frankenstein obsesses over his creation in Blackeyed Theatre’s adaptation of Mary Shelley’s maste...
The title of the film reflects the custom of writing poems and lyrics on paper lanterns. The film t...
Set in a dimly lit, nearly deserted cinema hall, the film follows a protagonist whose encounters wit...
The painter Lili Elbe was the first person to have gender confirmation surgery in the 1930s. The hom...
Andrea Pennacchi questions whether it is still possible to restore the Homeric poems in all their po...
A teenage boy with possible self-harm behavior is allowed to use the school auditorium alone to reco...
Two actors perform a play without an audience.
This is the story of a poet who lived at the time of the French Revolution. The poet's name was And...
In the early hours of the morning on the campus of an American college, Martha, much to her husband ...
Chuck and Buck are childhood best friends whose lives have taken very different paths. While Chuck m...
Movie of the stage play McQueen (written by British playwright James Phillips), at the St James Thea...
Telling the true story of Marvin Bijou, a young boy from a working-class family in a small village, ...
Eusebio José Fernández López Reboredo Bergamín is a teenager in the 1960s whose dream is to be a mov...
Fan-made parody project about the role of Young Woman, a very small role from the play "People Place...
A woman finds herself grappling with the haunting presence, as she navigates through shadows over he...
Disillusioned by their art, an actor approaching the end of their 20s embarks on a surreal series of...
In Jean Rouch's cinematic reinterpretation of Julius-Amédée Laou's theatrical work, a freshly appoin...
Gael, a young aspiring actor, will do everything possible to star in the next play by theater direct...