A 1970s American elementary school program encouraging students to figure out for themselves the uni...
The film follows Postcommodity, an interdisciplinary arts collective comprised of Raven Chacon, Cris...
In the '60s, the Mushuau Innu had to abandon their 6,000-year nomadic culture and settle in Davis In...
For hundreds of years, Taiwan has been under different colonial rules. From the Dutch, the Spanish, ...
A poignant all-Indigenous English and Cree-English collaborative documentary that breaks long-held s...
Resident Orca tells the unfolding story of a captive whale’s fight for survival and freedom. After d...
People from different ethnic backgrounds with "difficult" names by Western standards share their exp...
In the same vein as Meri's other documentations, this one takes advantage of the glasnost policy to ...
In the town of San Miguel Tzinacapan, in Puebla’s Nahua Mountain Range, a family lost its father. Hi...
Benito Arévalo is an onaya: a traditional healer in a Shipibo-Konibo community in Peruvian Amazonia....
Herlinda Augustin is a Shipibo healer who lives with her family in Peruvian Amazonia. Will she and o...
This short documentary is the portrait of an 88-year-old woman who lives alone in a log cabin withou...
Documents the conflicts and tensions that arise between highland migrants and Mosetenes, members of ...
Eami means ‘forest’ in Ayoreo. It also means ‘world’. The story happens in the Paraguayan Chaco, th...
In 1832 the government of Van Diemen’s Land sent the last Aboriginal resistance fighters into exile ...
Documentary film about the "zanja de Alsina", a long trench dug in the Argentinian Pampa in 1876 as ...
Follow filmmaker Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers as she creates an intimate portrait of her community and th...
The wild beauty of the Bella Coola Valley blends with vivid watercolor animation illuminating the ro...
An Aboriginal Australian and Native American documentary narrated by award-winning actor Jack Thomps...