In a solitary existence, a man is unexpectedly gifted a plasmaball at his doorstep, unraveling a sta...
A quirky ode to Italian Giallo cinema, a young woman returning from a party is stalked by a mysterio...
A young man finds himself pursued by a mysterious spiritual mask stalker who employs a haunting song...
A girl finds something strange when looking back at home movies.
Three vampires who share an apartment are interviewed by a TV crew.
The Queer Clique loves fresh meat. Newbie Kayden must complete the sacred initiation: The Cleanse. N...
When Michael attempts suicide and doesn’t leave a note, he inadvertently awakens Hattie, a demon tha...
Amna is plagued by sleep paralysis and has difficulty concentrating. She lives with her family, who ...
The private life of a local television Horror Host named Uncle Seymour Cadavers - a life filled with...
While on a romantic getaway, Alan and Beverly cause a fatal accident. This crime won't remain unpuni...
Un Chien Andalou is an European avant-garde surrealist film, a collaboration between director Luis B...
A grief counselor is visited by a very disturbed man.
Mr. Hormoz's house is due to a bank mortgage debt. Financial problems have gripped him and his famil...
In this horror-comedy short, a remake with an original twist of Hideo Nakata's "RINGU", two drag que...
A young girl witnesses the murder of her family by a mysterious killer. Now she must try to survive ...
The story of the sexual discovery of Kriko Krakinsky, an 11-year-old boy living in a strange and biz...
When the village priest Niels' father Hans is killed by the mythical creature Kervorum while hunting...
Docked pay by her unreasonable boss, disenchanted Millennial, Nora Flynn, is forced to take a job at...
A newlywed couple who wins the private anniversary dinner of their dreams, finds themselves caught i...