An Original Documentary that explores the unexplained events at 5 unique locations including an Antebellum Haunted Mansion, the most spirited Movie Palace in America, a tragic spot in the Florida Clay Pits, Al Capone's Florida Hideout and more with 4 Expert Investigation Teams.
an unforgettable journey across the Icelandic landscape as mixing live action and pixilation to prod...
Follow filmmaker Don Meers on a paranormal road trip across the sunburnt landscapes of the Australia...
An Honest Liar tells the incredible story of the world-famous magician, escape artist, and world-ren...
In 1906 a legend was born in Atchison, Kansas in what is now known as the Sallie House. A young girl...
In this 5th installment of "The Blackwell Ghost" series, the ghost hunting filmmaker returns to the ...
Real Haunts: Ghost Towns reveals the secrets of America's most fascinating ghost towns with "The Bea...
An Original Documentary Film that reveals the secrets at 4 Paranormal Hot Spots including an abandon...
Pirates and Sailors have fought many battles at sea but many who lost didn't go quietly into the mur...
Experience the strange occurrences at Florida's most haunted, hidden location in "Spirits in the Swa...
People go and search for the legendary Bigfoot creature.
An Original Documentary that takes you in and under the Oldest City in America, St. Augustine, Flori...
In 2007, The Sci-Fi Channel premiered "Ghost Adventures," a raw documentary in which 3 men go to Vir...
The Hidden Hand is a controversial Award-winning documentary that explores the possibility of an ext...
The Kiamichi beast Oklahoma's is a 200-year-old legend, that is real.
As mass hysteria breaks-out over an alleged demonic possession in an Indiana home, referred to as a ...
A documentary –actually three episodes of a canceled TV series edited together– examining various ph...
World-renowned Drag Queen Miz Cracker helps a Texas family that’s experiencing strange occurrences a...
A trans paranormal investigator and their team search for the connection between the queer and the s...
This doc investigates the odd occurrences that have happened for decades at a creek in Texas, which ...