The Roommate is a comedy drama film centered around two people live together in an apartment. This story follow Blaine who is a psychopath whose main goal is to get Donald his roommate to move out. We will see various attempts to disrupt and make Donald’s life a living hell. These attempts over time will become more and more elaborate and risker before culminating in failure as Blaine is evicted by his Landlord.
Matthew (Steve Verhulst) an older, self-absorbed, boring, travel worker meets Anna (Sofia Sparta) a ...
Charlie and Rachel, two high school sweethearts, reconnect at a natural history museum, all while a ...
In this short film, two starstruck movie fans hire a tour guide and see a plethora of Hollywood star...
A young couple's marriage hilariously hits the rocks during a weekend wedding in the country.
Forever confined to an isolated cottage, Ethan's only companion is his Father, who describes in grea...
Set in the parallel worlds of gritty, urban reality and bright, sunny fantasy, Tomato Soup is the st...
Old Monteleone lives alone in a house littered with the relics of his past life in the circus. He ha...
An experimental movie based on a poem of the French writer and director Jean Cocteau about a servant...
Five women in their thirties examine their own power in life.
The van finally stops, the doors open and Ben comes out alive. A few more fights and he will be able...
Living in war-torn Eastern Ukraine Anna is an aging single mother who is desperate for a change. Lur...
King Kong appears in various collages of a white cruise ship; meanwhile, a victory has been won and ...
Interviews with the animals at the Marine Life Institute about their experiences with Dory.
A story about a man named Max Wind, who celebrates a men‘s evening with his friends under the deck o...
A desperate mother is trying to reconnect with her son. Navigating an obvious void, she will finally...
Short film tackling depression and it‘s causes in teenagers and young adults.
In 937 BC the great King Solomon is dying as all of Jerusalem awaits his word on who will be his hei...
Luna runs away from home in the middle of the night. In an unexpected encounter with a group of drag...