“Olive” is a short documentary that follows Olive Hagemeier, an energetic woman, on her daily routine of salvaging, repackaging and redistributing food, and occasional other types of “waste”, across Atlanta, GA. Presented in a quiet observational style, this film is both a character study of a committed and enigmatic volunteer, as well as an ethnographic work that places the audience in the heart of a decentralized, volunteer-run mutual aid network in a “post-COVID” American city.
Athens. Nothing seems to move. The locals seem as still as statues. While at the same time, somewher...
Home movies and their unique place in popular culture are the subject of My Father's Camera. Directo...
Women of mature years talk about their marriage, their first time, their intimate relationship with ...
Featurette on the 2009 horror film Orphan.
The work of taxonomists hides more secrets than can be perceived.
On a Summer afternoon, Pedro packs the last few boxes before having to leave his apartment in New Yo...
Joseph Wilson meets the dance teacher fighting transphobic violence through voguing in Rio’s favelas...
Matt Walsh's controversial doc challenges radical gender ideology through provocative interviews and...
Join Kay Martinez as they explore the game development, character design, original soundtrack, and c...
Find Fix Finish delves into the stories of three US-Drone pilots revealing the clandestine operation...
A journey into the 1920s and 1930s featuring restored and edited home movies taken by Japanese Ameri...
"Honey Hunters" is a life story of bees and people. In order to get to the bottom of the mysteries o...
A behind-the-scenes documentary about the Clinton for President campaign, focusing on the adventures...
A display of flower bouquets, rotating to show the Kinemacolour process.
Drag Queens and their cabaret shows are well-known in France, but Drag Kings still remain very much ...
After Porn Ends 2 picks up where its predecessor left off and not only turns back the clock to meet ...
A film about the daily life of Martin, a handicapped child who will always be dependent on his paren...
The Dream Is Alive takes you into space alongside the astronauts on the space shuttle. Share with th...