“Olive” is a short documentary that follows Olive Hagemeier, an energetic woman, on her daily routine of salvaging, repackaging and redistributing food, and occasional other types of “waste”, across Atlanta, GA. Presented in a quiet observational style, this film is both a character study of a committed and enigmatic volunteer, as well as an ethnographic work that places the audience in the heart of a decentralized, volunteer-run mutual aid network in a “post-COVID” American city.
Filmmaker Alain Resnais documents the atrocities behind the walls of Hitler's concentration camps.
Watch the drama unfold when the city of Las Vegas blows up the town's impromptu movie set.
One of my dreams is to organize my own funeral.
"Like" it or not, Facebook wants you to share everything, but how much information are they willing ...
Sales of organic products have increased tenfold in 20 years. In 2020, the market will have exceeded...
The short film is a montage of sped up clips of The Ringling Brothers Circus in action set to a musi...
Grinders, rag-men, China menders, mattress carders are among those small trades of yesteryear that h...
I ran from it and was still in it poetically interweaves personal family memories with original and ...
'JFK: Seven Days That Made a President' investigates the seven key days in JFK's life that helped sh...
A figure skater seeks wisdom from a local sage to cure her diabetes.
A documentary exploring the effect of PCP on both the user and society, with particular focus on a ...
Millions of years scroll by in 10 minutes, illustrated by ingenious designers: this is the geologica...
A look at the day-to-day running of the historic Tower of London and coping with up to 16,000 visito...
The film shows one day from waking up in the morning all the way to waking up again the next morning...
Berlin queer community members mourn the substance abuse-related loss of their friends by sharing me...
Annedore takes care of orphan birds. They give her that which humans througout her turbulent life co...
On March 26th, 2020, seven boys locked themselves in a house for 48 hours, with only potatoes, bread...