The film adaptation of Kazuo Kikuta novel "Kumo no Ue Dangoro Ichiza", which enjoyed great success at the performances of the Toho Takarazuka Theater at the end of the year. The troupe "Kumo no Ue Dangoro" continues to tour from town to village. The small cast of the troupe includes its leader (Kenichi Enomoto), Norizo (Norihei Miki) and Taizo (Mutoshi Happa), who play female roles - they are all super actors, each of whom plays five roles. Dan Goro dreams of performing in a major theater and tries to put on a big show with a young man he meets in Shikoku named Sakai (Frankie Sakai), but...
Although the past two years have been challenging for the Theatre industry, they also showed its inc...
Directed by Lithuanian choreographer, Anželika Cholina, this multiple award-winning Vakhtangov Theat...
In a dark, velvety theatre, there is a first kiss between Pietro and Tommaso. When the lights come b...
Embark on a thrilling journey with two siblings, Hazel and Ivy, who win coveted tickets to a suppose...
Stuck in a depressing and mind numbing routine, Pierre decides to trade the sweaty atmosphere of the...
A group of theatre performers travel to London and put on a production they hope will repair cultura...
Sherlock and Doctor Watson are back and investigate the curious disappearance of an exceptional diam...
In May 2014, just months after Dan died, the DSM Foundation commissioned award-winning playwright Ma...
Andrea Pennacchi questions whether it is still possible to restore the Homeric poems in all their po...
Two actors perform a play without an audience.
Gael, a young aspiring actor, will do everything possible to star in the next play by theater direct...
The painter Lili Elbe was the first person to have gender confirmation surgery in the 1930s. The hom...
In the early hours of the morning on the campus of an American college, Martha, much to her husband ...