Against the backdrop of New York City of the early 1850s, a young woman -- naively seeking to win th...
Oregon, 1851. Hermann Kermit Warm, a chemist and aspiring gold prospector, keeps a profitable secret...
William Walker and his mercenary corps enter Nicaragua in the middle of the 19th century in order to...
An intense and imaginative artist, revered Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh possesses undeniable talen...
In 1840s New York, the uneventful and boring days of the daughter of a wealthy doctor come to an end...
The gullible buyer Žemla Martin (Francis Smolik) finally opened his dream shop. After a while, you g...
Prague, Bohemia, 1820. Balduin, a penniless student, falls in love with Countess Margit, a wealthy n...
The last sovereign Zulu King, a female British missionary, an ambitious colonial official and a youn...
Paris, 1884. The lives of three orphaned children wandering the streets dominated by ruthless crimin...
Two orphans set out to claim their inheritance - a 400 acre plot of land in Salem Oregon. To Do so t...
In 1847, when Ireland is in the grip of the Great Famine that has ravaged the country for two long y...
As Agnes slowly dies of cancer, her sisters are so immersed in their own psychic pains that they are...
In 1841, young Ishmael signs up for service aboard the Pequod, a whaler sailing out of New Bedford. ...
Based on Anna Sewell's novel. In rural England of the 1880's, widower Squire Wendon is rearing his ...
An epic that details the checkered rise and fall of French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and his relent...
Robert Gould Shaw leads the US Civil War's first all-black volunteer company, fighting prejudices of...