This short film profiles the benevolent Mike Sullivan, who has been in the process of shooting a sto...
2020, in global confinement in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, in CDMX women decide to give birth...
Millions of years scroll by in 10 minutes, illustrated by ingenious designers: this is the geologica...
Ricardo is an actor, driver, teacher, painter and a dancer at Sensible Soccers' shows. One day he fo...
Norma Kpaima's contribution to indigenous education is unique and urgent for neglected communities.
We are Nivi Savi, rain people, Mixtecos; a people that disperses like the clouds and every year retu...
The work of taxonomists hides more secrets than can be perceived.
A documentary that follows the journey of a young man named Kristian, who suffers from anxiety and a...
A documentary on MTV's Fear including interviews and behind-the-scenes footage.
Johan Grum is a civil servant. He loves to process different matters and to read reports. Most of al...
A documentary about the career of legendary production designer Joe Alves and his four decades in Ho...
A short documentary on the creation of the Pixar SparkShort "Self".
Focusing on three women from vastly different backgrounds this film weaves together powerful moments...
In a small village of the North of France, an attack alert has been set off due to the combination o...
A movie follows a regular working day of a woman who works in a factory. She wakes up at 3am and goe...
Monique and Michel Pinçon-Charlot are a couple of French sociologists, famous for their work on the ...