An animated short based on Hans Christian Andersen's tale about a poor young girl with a burning des...
Short film by Willy Bogner. Created as an advertisement for the 1997 Bogner ski clothing collection....
When a sleigh bell mysteriously falls from the sky, pure-hearted Princess Crystal is determined to p...
A scientific film essay, narrated by Phil Morrison. A set of pictures of two picnickers in a park, w...
LAND is a fluid series of formal land animation experiments based upon the imprint of landscapes in ...
Two sisters lives together with their grandma in a cottage in the woods. One of the sister is dilige...
Defending a friend, duckling is attacked by fox and must learn to survive.
As winter comes, little Bear decides to eat all the snow around him, but soon falls ill.
In a Texas military town, three teenage girls confront the dark corners of adolescence at the end of...
During the same summer as Woodstock, over 300,000 people attended the Harlem Cultural Festival, cele...
Peter Cottontail wants to be the #1 chief Easter Bunny, and everyone in April Valley agrees...except...
The first chapter of the Refrain Blue series, tells about the recollection of Yoshihiro's past about...
The second chapter in the Refrain Blue series focuses on Nao Morisawa and the events that happened a...
In the last chapter of the Refrain Blue series, the bond between Yoshihiro Matsunaga and Nao Morisaw...
During a summer stay on the mainland, Tinker Bell is accidentally discovered while investigating a l...
A poor girl was given an impossible task by her stepmother: to gather snowdrops in a winter forest. ...
As every summer, Louise is entrusted to her grand-parents for a few days of vacation in the country....