A film about three teenagers - Klara, Mina and Tanutscha - from the Berlin district of Kreuzberg. Th...
The documentary BERLINIZED describes this very Berlin-specific attitude in a reflection on and a jou...
The story of the legendary Berlin club and its founder, a woman whose life is inextricably interwove...
"plant portals: breath" is an experimental meditation on the unspoken history many queer and trans p...
A day in the city of Berlin, which experienced an industrial boom in the 1920s, and still provides a...
Like the best USIA films, The Wall distills political events into an emotionally clear and compellin...
A documentary on the late American entertainer Dean Reed, who became a huge star in East Germany aft...
Martin Scorsese and the Rolling Stones unite in "Shine A Light," a look at The Rolling Stones." Scor...
Bosom buddies BeV StroganoV, Ovo Maltine, Ichgola Androgyn and Tima die Göttliche are four Berlin dr...
Catchy mix of farce and documentary. Portrait of a Berlin theatre company made up entirely of the ho...
One in eight Dutch women gets breast cancer, which means that most people know someone who struggles...
A tribute to the late, great French director Francois Truffaut, this documentary was undoubtedly nam...
A locomotive journey traversing the North to the South of the German Democratic Republic on the eve ...
Berlin queer community members mourn the substance abuse-related loss of their friends by sharing me...
Live at Rome Olympic Stadium is a live album and video by English alternative rock band Muse, releas...
Journey with the musicians of the Berlin Philharmonic and their conductor Sir Simon Rattle on a brea...
Former "Titanic" satire magazine editor Martin Sonneborn takes an undercover trip around Berlin and ...