The Wakener is a Sci-Fi Horror film that follows a broken and haunted ship technician and a young, honorable military officer. Their paths collide when a ghost ship powered by tech outlawed centuries ago mysteriously appears at Point Station. The station's chief officer orders the ship secretly investigated for nefarious reasons. As a result, the Technician and Officer are compelled to fulfill an ancient and catastrophic destiny.
When a nervous space pilot loses control of her ship, she must overcome her fears to exit the ship a...
It is called the Time Traveler's Paradox. In which a scientist creates a Time Machine and kills thei...
This dreamlike fusion of political thriller and science-fiction fantasia is set to original music by...
A young Black game designer comes face to face with covert racism after he’s transformed to look lik...
Based on a Tutong story about the ghost Teluki that eats children in 1992.
After mysteriously awakening in a barren alien landscape, a self-serving prisoner must conquer a ser...
Set in the late 1950s, in a retro futuristic world, widowed father Richard arrives home from work to...
‘The Tattooist’ follows the dark obsessions of a tattooist whose studio is acclaimed for its excepti...
Trapped in a damaged cryogenic pod, a man is forced to watch a series of horrific science-fiction ta...
Kaya Torres is circling a black hole in a pod, with no one coming, no one to help. She's Alone.
A bordertown detective who is trying to stop a rampaging Chupacabra, until another detective is brou...
A boy steps out of a 3D printer to meet his maker...
A team of American astronauts leave their space station on the first mission to Mars, but the captai...
Two antagonistic forces fight over a woman's unborn child. On the result depends our salvation.
A man opens up about his fears in a long-overdue therapy session, only to learn there is something d...
A team composed of an aerospace scientist, an ex-Air Force general, and an industrialist conceives a...
The all female crew of the transport ship Muse is on a mission in deep space. They pick up an SOS si...
A developmentally disabled boy's life changes after he encounters an extraterrestrial being.
In this animated adaptation of E. E. Doc Smith's groundbreaking science fiction serial "Grey Lensman...
The Earth is invaded by alien parasites—AKA 'slugs'—that ride on people's backs and control their mi...