This documentary examines how Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime made use of ancient mysticism, occult...
In his lifetime, Thomas Merton was hailed as a prophet and censured for his outspoken social critici...
Craig Hamilton-Parker stumbles upon a 5,000 year old Indian oracle that has his name written on it. ...
An accurate depiction of the basic tenets of northern Mahayana Buddhism, cast into living or "experi...
"The Search for the Meaning" is a collective experience, carried out with the audiovisual contributi...
Living from the Heart: Universalist Sufism in America, directed by Chuck Davis and Netanel Miles-Yép...
Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer (1698-1760), known as the Ba'al Shem Tov ("Master of the Good Name"), is on...
An unconventional biography by Oscar nominee Paola di Florio and Sundance winner Lisa Leeman about H...
A portrait of Baba Vanga, born Vangeliya Pandeva Dimitrova, a blind Bulgarian prophet, mystic, clair...
Acclaimed author Gary Lachman looks at renowned psychoanalyst C.G. Jung's work from an esoteric view...
In 1244, Jelaluddin Rumi, a Sufi scholar in Konya, Turkey, met an itinerant dervish, Shams of Tabriz...
A horde of rampaging warriors massacre the parents of young Conan and enslave the young child for ye...
Sir Robert Beaumont is behind schedule on a railroad in Africa. Enlisting noted engineer John Henry ...
A mysterious and immortal Tibetan kung fu master, who has spent the last 60 years traveling around t...
Tilo is an Indian shopkeeper in America with an ability to see the future and a magical connection t...
A young woman’s quest for revenge against the people who kidnapped and tortured her as a child leads...
For centuries, a secret Order of priests has existed within the Church. A renegade priest, Father Al...
Ciro is a quiet and respectful young guaquero that despite his young age and his little experience b...