The Mary Tyler Moore Reunion is a 60-minute CBS retrospective television special, hosted by Mary Tyler Moore, celebrating her classic 1970-1977 sitcom The Mary Tyler Moore Show which aired on May 13, 2002. It features clips from past episodes with Mary personally reminiscing one-on-one with surviving cast members Edward Asner, Gavin MacLeod, Valerie Harper, Betty White, Cloris Leachman and Georgia Engel, as well as a special tribute to the late Ted Knight. During the special, Mary reveals the result of an online poll at where viewers were asked to vote for their favorite Mary Tyler Moore Show episode and the winner was: "Chuckles Bites the Dust". The special includes the "Love Is All Around" theme song covered in 1996 by Joan Jett & The Blackhearts which had previously been used as the opening sequence to the made-for-TV movie reunion Mary and Rhoda.
Ricky wants to give his crush Nicole a Christmas gift, but when he does she angrily rejects it as "c...
John Legend, father of two and EGOT winner, invites us to a celebration of dads with a one-hour vari...
Garry Trudeau's classic characters (Mike Doonesbury, Zonker, etc.) examine how their lifestyles, pri...
An intimate look at the evolution and impact of women emcees and rappers, told by the trailblazing a...
One Direction's first network special offers backstage footage, comical stunts and performances of s...
Documentary looking at the work of the U.S. government department the Advanced Aerospace Threat Iden...
Illusionist Derren Brown reinvents the concept of "faith healing" through a series of stunts that de...
One winter, a ravenous ogre terrorizes the land of King Balthasar. Meanwhile, a blizzard is brewing ...
Mickey is challenged by his nephews to tell a scary story on Halloween night, but his stories are mo...
Aria Inthavong is visited by a whole host of BuzzFeed's most popular personalities to celebrate the ...
Hammond and May host a special episode featuring two films that had been completed prior to the dism...
In his final comedy special, Norm Macdonald ponders casinos, cannibalism, living wills and why you h...
Julie Andrews was nominated for an Emmy for portraying the titular scullery maid who finds true love...
Hundreds of great white sharks have recently appeared on the doorstep of one of America’s most popul...
The electrifying FutureSex/LoveShow finds Justin Timberlake stunning a sold-out crowd at New York's ...
A promotional concert/behind the scenes special for the American release of Pokémon: The Movie 2000.
Stars celebrate Bob Hope's 50 years with NBC.
After the success of the live 1957 Cinderella on CBS (with Julie Andrews), the network decided to p...
Celebrities re-create an original episode each from "All in the Family" and "The Jeffersons."
A posthumous tribute to comedy legend Lucille Ball by her frequent co-star Bob Hope features clips f...