Matt Walsh's controversial doc challenges radical gender ideology through provocative interviews and...
“Olive” is a short documentary that follows Olive Hagemeier, an energetic woman, on her daily routin...
Leah and Purity are rangers in the Kenyan bushland. They roam around Amboseli National Park every da...
With depth, intimacy, and humor, FLOAT! captures filmmaker Azza Cohen's magnetic grandma’s life-affi...
Using original animation, archival footage and personal interviews, this full-length documentary por...
In their own words, this is the story of six women from the South Wales valleys and how they helped ...
Power Meri follows Papua New Guinea's first national women's rugby league team, the PNG Orchids, on ...
This short documentary is the portrait of an 88-year-old woman who lives alone in a log cabin withou...
The documentary that began together with Mestre Môa do Katendê before his political murder, tells th...
An intimate look at the evolution and impact of women emcees and rappers, told by the trailblazing a...
In April 2008, LRS toured across the USA and met some amazing female noise artists. This is what it...
Caiti Lord had always dreamt of being a singer. A born-and-bred New Yorker, she studied at the best ...
A look at the daily life of midwives across Quebec.
Their words had never been heard before. Co-directed by French-Rwandan musician and author Gaël Faye...
Picturesque scenes of land girls gathering hay on an Essex farm during WWI.
Feisty, fiercely independent and firmly rooted in place, 90 year-old Mabel Robinson broke barriers b...
A closer look at the underestimated role of women in the current Whisky industry in Scotland
Dadi manages an extended family in Haryana, Northern India, where daughters-in-law face loneliness a...
Directed by Ariane Louis-Seize, this tribute film was created as a gift for Lorraine Pintal, directo...