This story begins in a small town in Euskal Herria known worldwide for its cheese. The inhabitants of this town put aside the differences created by the recent armed conflict in Europe to carry out a mission: to choose what to be in the world. This adventure will take them to witness the historic events of two nations that will be news in Europe: Scotland and Euskal Herria. A great story written in small print. A documentary of the new era that makes us look to the future
An attempt to create a bridge between the different political positions that coexist, sometimes viol...
The six-decade transformation of a block of houses, shown by means of artfully featured archival sho...
The documentary tells the story of six friends who fought against compulsory military service in the...
The turbulent story of the Lagun bookstore — located in San Sebastián, in the Basque Country, Spain ...
Spain, 1997. The story of twelve days in July during which Basque society left indifference and fear...
The personal stories lived by the Uncle, the Father and the Son, respectively, form a tragic experie...
'Ama Lur' is a documentary, directed by Nestor Basterretxea and Fernando Larruquert, that premiered ...
The story of how a humble Basque rural sport called zesta punta —or jai alai— was successfully expor...
160 meters is the distance between the two banks of the estuary of Bilbao. An economic, social and c...
Through his own photographs, the Basque artist Néstor Basterretxea (1924-2014) is portrayed by the a...
The chronicle of the process, ten long years, that led to the end of ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna), a ...
The history of the citizens' movement that for thirty years worked hard to overcome fear, fight hatr...
An in-depth interview with José Antonio Urrutikoetxea, known as Josu Ternera, one of the most releva...
The abject crimes of the terrorist gang ETA have marked the lives of many Spaniards; men, women and ...
Basque Country, Spain. No one seems to know them. Some glances avoid theirs. Their social circle bec...
Through interviews with different people linked to the work and life of the Basque sculptor Jorge Ot...