This film follows a skilled team of four climbers (Nicolas, Olivier Favresse, Ben Ditto, Sean Villan...
The climbing brothers Thomas and Alexander Huber (Germany) attempt to conquer free the infamous "Bav...
In the Bernese Alps, the Agassizhorn peak memorialises Louis Agassiz – a controversial 19th-century ...
Inspired by the incredible events surrounding a treacherous attempt to reach the summit of the world...
In 1984 Ron Fawcett, is one of the most athletic climbers, he takes pleasure in taking up the challe...
La Cordée de Rêve traces the great alpine journey made from August 2000 to February 2001 by Patrick ...
Jim Bridwell was one of the best climbers in the world in the 70s, 80s. The documentary chronicles B...
Introducing the famous French Spider-Man, Alain Robert, in his home in Bali to reminisce over his pa...
King Lines follows Chris Sharma on his search for the planet's greatest climbs. From South American ...
Trapped near the summit of K2, the world's second-highest mountain, Annie Garrett radios to base cam...
Georges Livanos, nicknamed the Greek but pure child of Marseille, amateur mountaineer, opened more t...
A true story of Samy, native of La Courneuve, who is out of love for Nadia, decides to climb Mount E...
REEL ROCK cranks it up to 11 with our latest collection of electrifying climbing films showcasing th...
A year after losing his friend in a tragic 4,000-foot fall, former ranger Gabe Walker and his partne...
Georges Livanos. A name that hardly evokes anything, or not much, even in the heart of Chamonix, the...
A rock climbing adventure between two friends turns into a terrifying nightmare. After Kelly capture...
Between 1931 to 2002, Switzerland issued some six million seasonal residence permits, known as "A" p...