This is an animated movie based on "Mountains of Madness -Summit of Deities-" (Auther: MadaraUsi)," a TTRPG scenario that combines the "Cthulhu Mythos" & Mountain climbing.
In beginning of the 20th century, two climbers carry a statue of the Virgin to the top of a mountain...
Alice and Julius go ice-skating in the Swiss Alps, and later go on a mountain-climbing expedition wi...
Popeye takes Olive mountain climbing. Bluto sets various traps for them along the way.
A number of ghosts and strange phenomena are reflected as if to ridicule such a trend. Among them, t...
The fifth and scary psychic documentary!! Includes six tapes; "The ending of that voice", "Smell of ...
The Wakener is a Sci-Fi Horror film that follows a broken and haunted ship technician and a young, h...
A boating accident off the coast of Spain sends Paul and his girlfriend Barbara to the decrepit fish...
A Seattle history professor, drawn back to his estranged family on the Oregon coast to execute his l...
Based on the tragic 1996 Mt. Everest disaster, the opera focuses on three climbers as they attempt t...
A dying professor leaves his great-nephew a collection of documents pertaining to the Cthulhu Cult. ...
An artist, Robert Pickman, becomes obsessed by visions of unworldly horror, revealed to him through ...
"If you could bring her back, would you?" This is the question burning deep within the mind of Jake,...
When a virginal artist falls in love with a call girl, she turns out to be the chosen bride of the a...
A United Nations investigator crosses paths with a pair of psychic sisters on his way to Trollenberg...
Donald is trying to collect a condor's egg when the condor returns. He hides inside an empty egg and...
In an isolated house, a group of friends battle supernatural forces as they try to protect a young w...
After a drug deal gone wrong, a group of punks flee to a secluded mansion where the house itself beg...
A group of friends on a climbing vacation ignore warnings that the mountains are closed and start th...
A kindly English botanist and a gruff American promoter lead an expedition to the Himalayas in searc...