"Sailors" - A musical comedy about Kalle Svensson, a sergeant in the navy, and his loved one Nanette...
For centuries, the Murgatroyd family, the Baronets of Ruddigore, have been under a witch's curse — c...
A shy young man with a passion for opera has his world turned upside down by a con artist who really...
In 1890, Gus Sascher joins the Austrian Army and romances the impoverished girl Elsa Hofner. Elsa in...
A story of three struggling artists: a painter, a poet, and a composer, living in a bohemian Montmar...
In post-war Vienna, Rosalinda and her husband become embroiled in a series of complicated escapades ...
After the Viennese premiere, the Fledermaus (the bat) conquered the world. It is one of the few oper...
Country girl Margit sits for the artist Sándor, from Budapest. She is fascinated and charmed by him,...
As they are leaving the church following their wedding, Count Adrian Beltrami and Countess Anna-Mari...
French General Birabeau has been sent to Morocco to root out and destroy the Riffs, a band of Arab r...