When Frank, an emotionally troubled young man, finds himself with a being named Corinthians, he is s...
Plot kept under wraps; An original feature-length coming-of-age drama film with semi-autobiographica...
Alyssa goes through a range of volatile and complex emotions as she struggles to come to terms with ...
Isi and Finn are planning their first time together. This becomes a complicated undertaking, not onl...
Rahma, a woman who is agitated because she has to leave her female lover Dewi to marry at the demand...
In order to escape from their lives, the teenage girls Carina and Denise always walk along the edge ...
Austin struggling to find his purpose in his life finds viral fame and tries to keep up.
On an unassuming day, Sam's friends come over unexpectedly. Are they there to Hang, or something for...
Twenty-seven year old musician Jane's phone won't stop ringing on the eve of her birthday. Uninteres...
In the middle of a trip, Rubí, an eight-year-old girl, discovers within herself a powerful desire to...
The hands of a puppeteer control the bodies of two dancers who compete with each other.
Cecilia tries to follow her normal routine. She goes to classes; however, she decides to go somewher...
During an awkward family gathering, María, a young lady going through a love crisis, discovers a sec...
Marcos, an adult who as a child lost his beloved pet, a black German shepherd dog, with whom he had ...
Gerardo returns home with a pack of dogs barking in the background on a dark night. Inside his house...
A group of three students making a short film, however, while the two enthusiastic students are prou...
A filmmaker discovers a box of video tapes depicting two students' disturbing film project featuring...