The documentary Rap and Reindeer follows the life of 18-year-old Sámi rapper Mihkku Laiti, who lives in the northernmost corner of Sámiland. The film is a coming-of-age story, following Mihku on his journey towards a career as a musician and rise to stardom in the midst of varying expectations. He’s charmed the crowd on Talent Suomi and proudly wears the Sámi clothing he has styled himself. He raps and yoiks in harmony, designs his own brand on his computer but also masters the skill of laborious reindeer herding. Above all, he sees his own unique roots and the Sámi language as his greatest strength. The future makes him wonder: to follow his father’s footsteps or to reach for his dreams.
An inside look as the 38-year-old prepares to perform at the famed Bridgestone Arena in his hometown...
His rhymes caught the attention of millions. His flow is un-matched by any. His story is captivating...
An intimate look at the evolution and impact of women emcees and rappers, told by the trailblazing a...
When two former top orienteers end up in a snowstorm in Lapland wilderness, they face an impossible ...
When filmmaker Mari Soppela took her children and husband to live for a year on a sacred mountain in...
Love, music, Sami identity and environmental activism go hand in hand in this inspiring tale of youn...
Tupac: Assassination is a documentary film about the unsolved murder of rapper Tupac Shakur. The fil...
Part investigative documentary, part real-life gangster movie, this film unpacks the life of polariz...
As told by the people involved, and using real footage from the tragic event, we take a deep dive in...
Explore how Florida teenager Jahseh Onfroy became SoundCloud rapper XXXTENTACION, one of the most st...
It follows two teenage rappers in Bangkok who use their musical talent to navigate their difficult c...
A Sámi woman fights for her right to claim a tax deduction against the purchase of a dog. Why the Sw...
Green lights dance across a star-filled sky, and snowflakes sparkle on the trees. It is little wonde...
Documentary about the priest and joiker Johan Märak and the artist Lars Pirak, and their friendship.
A series of lawsuits and allegations have legendary rap mogul P. Diddy on the ropes. TMZ has the tro...
Fans forever love Will Smith who are reassured they will always be entertained. Follow the journey o...
A film about the monster of Lapland, Mr. Lordi, who after winning the Eurovision Song Contest loses ...
Narrated by Golden Globe winner, Donald Sutherland, this is the incredible story of Ailo, the little...
Selling the Silence is a creative documentary film. It witnesses the rise and fall of one family of ...