Adapted from the short story by Franz Kafka, The Judgment is a psychological drama exploring themes of alienation, memory, and the lines between fantasy and reality. The film follows Georg Bendemann, a young merchant living 1900s Prague, who is struggling to maintain balance in an ever changing world. As his situation deteriorates due to complicated familial relationships, we are compelled to question the very nature of what we are seeing.
When Krisha decides to join her estranged family for a holiday dinner, tensions escalate as she stru...
Spanning seven short stories - each taking place in a different city around the globe, “All the Lone...
Jody, a lonely teenage girl, joins forces with Hannah, a disgraced track coach, and together they sp...
Little Chie knows that her sister, 3 year-old Itsuki, is unlike her. Chie’s uncle, Mitsuo, is also u...
A series of terrifying accidents and brutal murders leave a bloody trail into the subterranean caver...
In 1920s England, Harry Du Pont, heir to the Du Pont empire is murdered at his engagement party, it’...
An overly anxious man mysteriously finds himself unable to leave a bathroom.
During a walk in the woods a man stumbles upon a gate blocked by a guard who refuses to let him thro...
A woman wakes up next to her dead husband. She refuses the fact that he is dead and pretends to her ...
Dinithi tries very hard to communicate with her husband, but he ignores her presence relentlessly. T...
When his wife sees him helping his boss' lover, a low-level manager finds his marriage in shambles.
Nina is a high-strung New York actress and Anton is a struggling actor who wants to change gears and...
Adada's poor husband suddenly strikes it rich. He changes his hovel for a beautiful home, but his ch...
An old member of Namsadang (a wayfaring group of Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910)) leaves his daughter Gye...
A Father and a Son each have a secret. When both secrets come to light in the span of an evening, th...
In 1750 Austria, a deeply religious woman named Agnes has just married her beloved, but her mind and...
After receiving a notification from her college, Anita confronts her mom the day before she moves ou...