A Bryan Hynes documentary following the story of Ultra Runner Lucy Bartholomew as she runs the the 2...
Join us for a series of films which explore the highs and lows of long distance trail running. In th...
WALMSLEY is a feature-length documentary that follows Jim Walmsley’s journey from the depths of a US...
We're proud and excited to present the Official Selection for the Trail Running Film Festival 2023 ...
Brian Reynolds, a double amputee below the knee athlete, has triumphed over numerous challenges thro...
Sally McRae took on her second 200 mile race with the goal to get the best out of herself, and to pu...
In its first 25 years only 10 people have finished The Barkley Marathons. Based on a historic prison...
In 2010, four of the greatest undefeated mountain runners on earth toed the starting line at the Wes...
After losing his mother to obesity, a thirty-two year old chubby ginger comedian and vegan son-of-a-...
On | Solace – Running the Alps in 30 days – Karel Sabbe's Via Alpina FKT In the summer of 2021, ult...
Anton Krupicka’s running has evolved from trails to mountains to free-soloing. Filmed over a season ...
Indulgence: 1000 Miles Under the Colorado Sky features ultra-marathon phenom Anton Krupicka in a hig...
Kevin, a young, fearless runner from a rough neighborhood in Taiwan, falls in love with his tough co...
Emotionally volatile and ostracized from his home, 21-year-old JD Weymouth has picked up long distan...
A promising career with the police, a baby on the way... Marc's life seems to be right on track. The...
Eric Clapton plays old hits and new ones in this Grammy Award winning special.
This film is about the vast, invisible world of government secrecy. By focusing on classified secret...