This documentary follows the life of a one-of-a-kind man, and his one-of-a-kind library. Luis Soriano is a Colombian schoolteacher who spends weekends taking his donkey, and book collection, to the poverty-ridden towns of Magdalena Province. Facing down drug dealers, dangerous creatures, and overbearing heat, Soriano bravely faces down fear to promote education and literature.
Sarah Kamya is a school counselor in New York City. She began the project Little Diverse Libraries o...
Toute la mémoire du monde is a documentary about the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris. It presents th...
The library is a stronghold of humanism, but today libraries are more than places for borrowing book...
The National Library of France is the guardian of priceless treasures that tell our history, our ill...
The Feminist Library: A Short Film was made in support of the Save the Feminist Library Campaign, do...
Umberto Eco, the author of best-selling novels who passed away in February 2016, unveils the secrets...
A short made for TV with director Peter Greenaway discussing the dazzling 3.5 minute opening sequenc...
Donkeys inhabit and communicate with each other - and the filmmakers - in a Sanctuary.
Short documentary about an archetypal library concept for kids in Clamart.
With a mission of collecting, preserving and making accessible the materials of human culture, the N...
Lexington, Kentucky, 2004. Four young men attempt to execute one of the most audacious art heists in...
Documentary which tells the story of a group of men and women who risked their lives to rescue a lib...
Part of a travelogue series, this films visits to Derry, the Giant’s Causeway, Carrick-a-Rede, Mount...
This film about Library services in Australia shows some of the work of the Commonwealth Parliamenta...
See how Sally Jenkins and her driver, Thomas, run Hertfordshire's mobile library service with milita...
Madiha Aijaz’s observational documentary on public libraries in Karachi, Pakistan, provides an entry...