A short film by Barry Lowe and Dino Mahoney, starring Pauline Burton as Anna. The film is an introduction to the great Soviet era modernist poet, Anna Akhmatova; shot in winter in Saint Petersburg (Leningrad), it contains rare interviews with people who knew her, academics, and dramatized readings of some of her poems.
Hasan Hourani, a Palestinian poet and illustrator, died aged 29 in Jaffa while trying to rescue his ...
This documentary is a chronicle of the journey through the most important sites of the life of venez...
This FitzPatrick Miniature visits the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), the largest geogra...
Hitler's invasion of Russia was one of the landmark events of World War II. This documentary reveals...
The explosion at Chernobyl was ten times worse than the Hiroshima bomb and was due to a combination ...
Through performatic acts and some exposition, a group of poets of that 1980's generation make great ...
sucking on words is a documentary film that features interviews with, and extensive performances by,...
Ukrainian journalist Katya Soldak, currently living in New York City and working for Forbes magazine...
Musicians inspired by the Moon. Since the Apollo landings, the Moon has entered popular consciousnes...
A fictionalised documentary about the great Japanese poet Bashô (1644–1694), the spiritual father of...
At underground film of the 1st Popular Festival of Catalan Poetry filmed in the Proce Theater in Bar...
A documentary on the life and work of Poet Laureate, two-time Pulitzer winner, and environmental act...
A peculiar portrait of the Argentinean writer Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) drawn by the extravagant...
"The Lady in the Book" is Sylvia Plath, a major author of 20th-century American poetry and a feminis...
Dedicated to the poet Paul Celan, the film traces the itinerary of the deportation of Jews from Czer...
Is it possible to travel twice to the same memory? The filmmaker built a cabin on an isolated riverb...