For the first time in cinema, a unique symphonic experience on the big screen. As part of the series...
"Ciao, 2021!" - New Year's edition of the Evening Urgant program, aired on Channel One on January 1,...
Recorded live at the Coconut Grove in Los Angeles, Roy is joined by an eclectic ensemble of rock and...
Show recorded at the Zénith in Strasbourg on January 19 and 20, 2014 for the benefit of the Restos d...
"Fantasy: Mariah Carey at Madison Square Garden" is Mariah Carey's fourth DVD/home video release. It...
In January 2017, Les Enfoirés set the Zénith in Toulouse alight with seven exceptional concerts. Fa...
Filmed at the Historic Wintershall Estate in Surrey, England, this concert brings togetzer a group o...
Les Enfoirés "À côté de toi" is the 31st album/show by Les Enfoirés, recorded from January 14 to 17,...
Broadcast from 1977 to 1987 on FR3, every Sunday morning, for 1h30, Mosaïque is a variety show with ...
Dans l’œil des Enfoirés est le vingt-et-unième album des Enfoirés, enregistré lors de leurs sept con...